Student Support
Our Student Support service aims to offer the very best advice and guidance for students with support needs who are making the move into further education.
Student Support
Our Student Support service aims to offer the very best advice and guidance for students with support needs who are making the move into further education.
We're here to help
As part of our Student Support service, we support students with learning difficulties and differences, disabilities and medical conditions. The college supports:
- Young people who are in or leaving the care system.
- Students who are carers
- Students who are experiencing estrangement from their families.
We also provide support relating to any issues that may be perceived as disadvantages or potential barriers to success.
As part of our Student Support service, we support apprentices with learning difficulties and differences, disabilities and medical conditions.
We also provide support relating to any issues that may be perceived as disadvantages or potential barriers to success. The Learning Support Team will provide guidance before you start and during your induction in order to:
- identify skills
- assess support needs
- ensure that the workplace and delivery is appropriate for your particular support needs, as well as your interests and chosen career path.
You can tell us about your support needs during Onboarding. Please tell us as much as you can so that we can fully understand your needs.
If you can bring any supporting documents, such as an Educational Health Care Plan, Educational Psychologist reports or medical diagnosis letters with you to your interview, that would be really helpful. We may arrange a support review as a follow up to your interview, talk to your school about support you have received to date, and to your local authority about funding arrangements. We may also talk to your Social Worker, Key Worker, any health professionals you regularly engage with and parents/carers.
We will endeavour to provide appropriate support for you, with needs assessed on an individual basis.
The type of support we can offer may include:
- A learning support worker to provide one to one support
- Support in your English and maths lessons
- Further assessments for Exam Access Arrangements
- Individual support packages for higher-needs learners in consultation with your Local Authority (this will be based on any existing documentation, such as an Educational Health and Care Plan).
Once you have begun your apprenticeship, you will have a series of one-to-one tutorials which will support your progress, feeding into an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and scheduled one to ones with the ALS team.
For more information on support available, contact
We're here to help
As part of our Student Support service, we support students with learning difficulties and differences, disabilities and medical conditions. The college supports:
- Young people who are in or leaving the care system.
- Students who are carers
- Students who are experiencing estrangement from their families.
We also provide support relating to any issues that may be perceived as disadvantages or potential barriers to success.
As part of our Student Support service, we support apprentices with learning difficulties and differences, disabilities and medical conditions.
We also provide support relating to any issues that may be perceived as disadvantages or potential barriers to success. The Learning Support Team will provide guidance before you start and during your induction in order to:
- identify skills
- assess support needs
- ensure that the workplace and delivery is appropriate for your particular support needs, as well as your interests and chosen career path.
You can tell us about your support needs during Onboarding. Please tell us as much as you can so that we can fully understand your needs.
If you can bring any supporting documents, such as an Educational Health Care Plan, Educational Psychologist reports or medical diagnosis letters with you to your interview, that would be really helpful. We may arrange a support review as a follow up to your interview, talk to your school about support you have received to date, and to your local authority about funding arrangements. We may also talk to your Social Worker, Key Worker, any health professionals you regularly engage with and parents/carers.
We will endeavour to provide appropriate support for you, with needs assessed on an individual basis.
The type of support we can offer may include:
- A learning support worker to provide one to one support
- Support in your English and maths lessons
- Further assessments for Exam Access Arrangements
- Individual support packages for higher-needs learners in consultation with your Local Authority (this will be based on any existing documentation, such as an Educational Health and Care Plan).
Once you have begun your apprenticeship, you will have a series of one-to-one tutorials which will support your progress, feeding into an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and scheduled one to ones with the ALS team.
For more information on support available, contact our team via email.